Thursday, October 11, 2012

Total Switch Up

I was planning on posting about recent apartment searches and the difficulty I'm having, but then I remembered that the last thing I posted about was our Halloween costume choices, which we have recently changed. So instead of complaining about my hunting woes I decided to give you a costume update. (We'll just have to save the apartment hunt for another time.)
After further trying (unsuccessfully) to find costumes we all enjoyed we discovered that matching us all together right now would be very difficult. No matter what we chose someone was always unhappy with what they had to wear. There just aren't enough choices for babies. So instead of doing a matchy family look, Anthony and I are going to be super cute jesters together. And Ava is actually going to be whatever is the cutest thing on her. We're thinking Disney princess. I plan on stopping by the Disney store tomorrow and seeing which costume is the absolute cutest thing ever, and then picking that one. So I guess everyone will just have to wait for Halloween pictures to see what we finally decide on. Oh the anticipation is going to kill you! 
Until next time. ;)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Capital H-A-double L-O-W-double E-N

I have an 11 month old!!! And man is it hard to blog with an 11 month old. She seems to be jealous of the computer. And I don't use it often so I'm not sure why. All I know is every time I use it she immediately climbs on my lap and gets in the way. But if I'm not using the computer she could care less what I'm doing. But thus is the life of raising a child I suppose. 
Ok I said I would write about our Halloween costumes, and I guess it's a good thing it took me so long to do so, because our ideas have changed several times. It was originally going to be Anthony as Batman, me as Catwoman, and Ava as Robin. But once trying on the Catwoman costume I discovered, I cannot pull off a skin tight jumpsuit.  Maybe it's my complete lack of curves. So then we went back to the drawing board. Anthony liked this baby skeleton costume they had, but I wasn't very interested in it. He liked a sheep costume but then there wasn't many options for what he could be, which was kind of the case with most of the costumes we liked. It is very hard to coordinate costumes with a man. And when we do find good ideas the mens costume turns out to be $100! Don't get me wrong I spend too much money on Halloween costumes, but I will not spend over $100 for one costume! Then I found the most perfect costume for my little one!
Ava would be a hybrid angel/devil, I would be an angel, and Anthony a devil. It is perfect! We aren't 100% on this choice as of right now, but I'm pretty sure this is it. The one bad thing about it would be that I can only get this costume online so I won't be sure on the size until I order it and it arrives. But it is our best idea thus far. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Missing Daddy

So since Anthony started working I switched my work schedule so that I am off every night to watch Ava while he's at work. And I must say being home all night with just Ava makes me miss my husband! There is only so much time on Netflix and Facebook that one person can take! And although I like to pretend that I would love to be a stay at home mom, and insist to Anthony that I wouldn't freak out about being home all the time with Ava, I am starting to freak out! I mean sure I get to work from 10:30 to 6 on weekends (11 to 5 weekdays) but that seems like a very minimal amount of time once you get home and just start laying around. I just feel like I should have more to do. But unfortunately for me Ava is very low maintenance. Sure I have fun watching her dance to all the introduction songs for everything I watch on Netflix, but she doesn't really do much else. I need some adult conversation!! And I hate having to wait until Anthony gets home at midnight!
I think Ava gets bored too. She does a lot of playing on the floor, then playing on the bed, then back to the floor, then back on the bed. And I put cartoons on for her but she doesn't ever watch them. Or she watches them for a bit and gets bored.

Hmmm if only my life more exciting and I could find amazing things to blog about... 

Next time I'll tell you all about my AMAZING plans for Ava's FIRST HALLOWEEN!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Those Are Some Nice Teeth

Ava had her very first dentist appointment this morning! I know everyone said she was supposed to have it at 6 months, but I was just a little late on that. Either way I eventually got it done. They just brushed her teeth and counted how many she had, which I could have done myself, but they say she is coming along very nicely. She didn't really like the brushing and counting very much, but she did seem to like Dr. Blume anyway.

After the cleaning Ava and I came home, where she promptly fell asleep.
We (I) decided that we would match today. I bought this spiderman shirt after seeing a mom and daughter come into the theatre both wearing spiderman shirts. It made me think of what it will be like when Ava gets older. The mom I saw was wearing this shirt (which I got on sale at And Ava already had her spiderman shirt. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Daddy's Done Got TWO Jobs!!

As most of you know, Anthony has been a stay at home dad thus far. But as of this last weekend he will now be working not one, but two jobs! As per my request, he put an application in at Party City and was accepted! Although it is only seasonal it will still come in use for Ava's first birthday, which is approaching faster then anticipated! But he was fortunate enough to be offered another job at Chevron, which won't be seasonal. :) 
Although money isn't everything in life, having Anthony working now is really going to help take a load off my back. Not to mention I will finally be able to update my wardrobe! Haha And of course Ava is out growing everything she owns. It couldn't have come at a better time. I think I'm more excited then him! I'm sure Ava will be a little upset that Daddy won't be around as much as usual, but she'll get to spend a lot more time with her Aunt Toni! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


For some reason Ava has decided to be super annoying the last couple of days. And I mean ANNOYING!! Every time I try to do anything that doesn't involve holding her on my lap she throws a fit! She constantly wants to be held. Which I think is adorable, I do love to snuggle with my little one. But I was trying to fill out an application online and she wanted to lay across my lap and watch, and that's just not easy when you're using a laptop. I had to fill out half the application using one finger, which sucks, until I eventually just handed her over to Anthony and told him to do the snuggling. As much as I love my little munchkin, I wish she would just play by herself more. haha

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


So the last couple of nights I have been putting the Baby First channel on while Ava has her bottle, and although the majority of it is very boring, Ava has been transfixed! And she falls asleep before her bottle is even gone. It is amazing. I had put it on a few times before when she was a little smaller but it just couldn't keep her interested. Now she stops whatever it is she's doing so she can watch whats happening. There is this one part where a lady makes pictures using sand on a lighted table, and even I find myself staring to figure out what it is she's going to draw next! There isn't many kids shows that Ava likes but I was surprised to see that she enjoys this. I suppose it's because it's pictures and music as apposed to something she actually has to listen to in order to understand. And intro music has always been her favorite thing about any TV show.
When I first found Baby First I wouldn't have suggested it to anyone, but for anyone who has a 10 month old it seems to work wonderfully! :)